Journal Title: Local Wisdom : Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Kearifan Lokal - Year 2017, Vol 9, Issue 2


Sawojajar is the settlement of a broad settlement is located in the city of malang, exactly in the sub-district kelojen kedungkandang adjacent to and in the limit by malang regency. The settlement is located in the east of the city of Malang is a densely populated pernukiman that most termed Dii malang, resulted in some aspects of the socio-economic impacts on the environment around the settlement, this happens in karenakan the increasing number of human need that every year increases and bervariatif, because this is the sawojajar population growth in 2010 switches the function of the land to the area shops, this becomes the strong appeal why the settlement was very interesting to be examined local wisdom, the method used is the observations more information in the area and seek the uniqueness of this area was drawn from the aspects of the physical and non-physical and concluded the changes and obtain local wisdom found in settlements sawojajar.

Authors and Affiliations

Bhaga Aninditatama


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  • EP ID EP446091
  • DOI 10.26905/lw.v9i2.2702
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How To Cite

Bhaga Aninditatama (2017). KEARIFAN LOKAL MASYARAKAT PERMUKIMAN SAWOJAJAR KECAMATAN KEDUNGKANDANG, KOTA MALANG. Local Wisdom : Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Kearifan Lokal, 9(2), 131-137.