Kobietnik, Kobiecadło, Kobierzec, bo „kobieta to taki człowiek... trudny do zdefiniowania” (One, czyli cztery przypisy do Moniki Dekowskiej). Female, feminabet,... because "a woman is such a man ... difficult to define" (They, mean four footnotes to Monika Dekowska)"
Journal Title: Czasopismo Pedagogiczne/The Journal of Pedagogy - Year 2015, Vol 1, Issue 1
The text is an example of a feminist reflection on the created culture and femininity implicated in the paradoxical nature. According to the author, it is the place of various "possible worlds" in which the entire history of femininity is joint initiatives and mutual inspirations, social intuitions, civil initiations and an extraordinary sphere of integration. The article, whose pretext was Dekowska’s liberature, refers to the content of the most important problems, fragments of culture of women, which the author recognizes as a kind of "women's pentateuch."
Authors and Affiliations
Monika Jaworska-Witkowska
Seminarium drugiego wiersza, czyli co w nas uderza i mówi dalej swoim głosem. Seminar on the second line, that is what strikes us and continues with her voice.
Seminarium drugiego wiersza, czyli co w nas uderza i mówi dalej swoim głosem. Seminar on the second line, that is what strikes us and continues with her voice.
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