The study is devoted to personological analysis of the one-hundred-poem collection
entitled Vade-mecum by Cyprian Norwid in the light of advanced and, above all, multidimensional
research on the personology of the subjec...
The article focuses on the representation of the year 1918 in Latvian literature. On November 18, the independent Republic of Latvia was proclaimed, and in the years to come international recognition of the state’s sover...
The article attempts to interpret Ryszard Schubert’s works of in the light of performance and archive theory as well as Julia Kristeva’s theory of abject. The author analyses the language of Schubert’s novel and indicate...
The article Keywords in Historical Material – Challenges and Constraints is an attempt
to present the use of currently developed, multimillion lexical databases. The author reviews
currently created corpora of Polish his...
Klasycyzm, romantyzm i to, co pomiędzy
Persona liryczna w wierszach Cypriana Norwida i Emily Dickinson
The study is devoted to personological analysis of the one-hundred-poem collection entitled Vade-mecum by Cyprian Norwid in the light of advanced and, above all, multidimensional research on the personology of the subjec...
The Great War, Independence, and Latvian Literature
The article focuses on the representation of the year 1918 in Latvian literature. On November 18, the independent Republic of Latvia was proclaimed, and in the years to come international recognition of the state’s sover...
Zachowanie ulotnego. Strategie archiwizowania w Pannie Liliance Ryszarda Schuberta
The article attempts to interpret Ryszard Schubert’s works of in the light of performance and archive theory as well as Julia Kristeva’s theory of abject. The author analyses the language of Schubert’s novel and indicate...
Słowa klucze w materiale historycznym – wyzwania i ograniczenia
The article Keywords in Historical Material – Challenges and Constraints is an attempt to present the use of currently developed, multimillion lexical databases. The author reviews currently created corpora of Polish his...