Komentarz do art. 10—12 ustawy z dnia 9 czerwca 2011 r. Prawo geologiczne i górnicze
Journal Title: Prawne Problemy Górnictwa i Ochrony Środowiska - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 2
According to Art. 10 of GMA deposits of hydrocarbons, hard coal, and methane occurring as an accessory accompanying mineral, lignite, metal ores except of bog soddy iron ores, native metals, radioactive element ores, native sulphur, halite rock salt, potassium salt and potassium — magnesium salt, gypsum and anhydrite, precious stones (gemstones), curative waters, thermal waters and brines — irrespective of their location (the place of their occurrence), are subject to mining property belonging to the State Treasury. Mining property also covers the parts of the formation rock mass located outside the borders of the land property, in particular those located within the maritime territories of the Republic of Poland. All other minerals are the subject to the land property. The provisions of the Civil Code apply, mutatis mutandis, to the mining property. The State Treasury, in the limits prescribed by the law, to the exclusion of other persons, may use the object subject of the mining property or dispose of its rights solely by the creation establishing of a mining usufruct. The mining property is inalienable (non-transferable).
Authors and Affiliations
Aleksander Lipiński
Przeciwdziałanie bezczynności sejmiku województwa w zakresie uznania instalacji za regionalną instalację do przetwarzania odpadów komunalnych lub za instalację do zastępczej obsługi regionu
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Na marginesie opracowania „Gaz łupkowy w Polsce. Aspekty prawno-środowiskowe”. Red. M. Stoczkiewicz. Warszawa: Raport ClientEarth, grudzień 2014, 2014, ss. 99
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Komentarz do art. 18—20 ustawy z dnia 9 czerwca 2011 r. Prawo geologiczne i górnicze
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