Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія - Year 2018, Vol 11, Issue 18
У статті розглянуто проблему формування мовної особистості автора художнього твору, що вимальовується з основних рис творчості письменника, який «пропускає» через свою свідомість описувані ним події, втілює їх в індивідуальних художніх образах. Весь твір віддзеркалює інтенційність автора. The article deals with the problem of the formation of the linguistic personality of the author of a literary work, which emanates from the main features of the writer's creativity, who «passes through» his / her consciousness the events described by him / her, embodies them in individual artistic images. The whole work reflects the author’s intentionality. Nowadays interest in the connections between language phenomena, both in terms of syntagmatics and in terms of isofunctionality, is increasing. Such approach is actively covered in linguistic studios and remains relevant, since it allows representing the integrity and multi-aspect of the language system. Intentionality is a complex mental state, which involves the presence of diverse components, i.e. physical (spacial-temporal) and social orientation, assessment of opportunities, goal setting, action planning and anticipation of the result. Within an extremely wide range of research based on anthropocentrism, we observe a focus on the study of the role of man in the language, on the one hand, and the language intended to meet the communicative needs of man on the other. This is due not only to the attention to the human factor and subjectivity in linguistics, but also to the unique status of language as an object and at the same time an instrument of research. Today the notion of «intention» is central to the theory of speech acts, the main feature of which is the approach to speech act as a way of achieving a person's goal and analysis of this angle of view of the linguistic means used by it. As an image of the creative subject, image of the author is derived from a specific literary text. It reflects the most characteristic features of the writer as a personality and as a subject of creative cognitive-speech activity. Finally, this is the author's concept of personality, the system of personal content, which is the only common idea from which the artistic work is created. The author coordinates the process of text communication, which is based on the intention and a certain fragment of reality. The text implements certain intentions of the author, he / she aspires to create it in such way that first of all the reader can like it, be accessible to him / her, has aesthetic influence on the reader, prompt him / her to think about the depicted text. Thus, the communicative-pragmatic orientation of linguistic works of the last decades focuses on the study of linguistic units in the context of their relevant use by speakers as means of influencing on the interlocutor, such as the implementation of an intentional program of the author of an artistic work involving various language structures, the entire spectrum of linguistic-stylistic figures to achieve their own goals.
Authors and Affiliations
Alina Tomusiak
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