Kościół katolicki w Polsce a ruchy odnowy życia chrześcijańskiego
Journal Title: Rocznik Politologiczny - Year 2011, Vol 7, Issue 7
The article discusses the problem of theoretical and practical relations between the Catholic Church hierarchy in Poland and the activities of the Catholic movement for the renewal of religious life, founded on the basis of Catholic principles. Based on various documents, the Church Magisterium has defined the role of laity and tasks ahead of it. With the reflections of the Second Polish Plenary Synod in mind, it discusses the attitude of the episcopate to the sphere of realization of the apostolic mission by the members of and participants in the renewal movement in Poland. It also describes the initiatives of the National Council of Catholic Movements (Ogólnopolska Rada Ruchów Katolickich) which integrates the leaders of various Catholic movements and associations, and altogether unites over 2 million people. The cooperation between clergy and churchgoers in the Polish church is characteristically asymmetrical. Laymen who undergo individual formation in the renewal movements and Catholic associations aspire to an increasingly active participation and real impact on the building and development of local church. Meantime, throughout the country, in over 82% of all parishes, no Parish Councils have been created in spite of the existing legislation. There is also a problem of priests/parish priests who not only fail to undertake new initiatives but they also disallow these groups to meet in their parishes.
Authors and Affiliations
Jolanta Mikołajczyk
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