"Ku formom życia dźwięku i kulturom słyszenia”
Journal Title: Audiosfera. Koncepcje-badania-praktyki - Year 2015, Vol 1, Issue 1
Kultur. Von den Cultural Studies bis zu den Visual Studies (Bielefeld 2012), a pro paedeutic and synthetic book edited by Stephan Moebius, contains a chapter on sound studies, which was written by Holger Schulze. Arguing that no model of a homogeneous science of sound can be maintained, Schulze advocates stu dies that retain processuality, performativity, heterogeneity and hybridity of the cognitive process. Subsequently, when he was presenting the development of sound studies, he was able to take into account the experiences of the musi cal avantgarde, the development of theoretical research on sound, and various practical consequences and transformations of ethnomusicology. Schulze de voted the most attention to what it meant, means and will mean to study the world of sound, i.e. the world of sounds and the sounding world.
Authors and Affiliations
Krzysztof Łukasiewicz
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