"Ku wolności wyzwolił nas Chrystus" (Ga 5, 1). Teologiczne aspekty ludzkiej wolności.

Journal Title: Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne - Year 2017, Vol 31, Issue


The discovery of universal freedom is an achievement of Saint Paul, and an achievement of the Church is a consequent propagation of this fact throughout the centuries. The Christian character of this discovery was already noticed by Hegel. In today’s world, so strongly marked by the search of freedom it is necessary to reiterate the Christian vision of freedom which is the universal one. This vision is profoundly theological in character and deeply rooted in the mystery of redemption brought by Jesus Christ. This article touches upon this fact and points out its certain aspects, especially the soteriological one. Bearing in mind the theology of freedom we cannot ignore its abundant anthropological references. The article recalls the proposition of St. Thomas Aquinas, which has been largely accepted by Catholic theology and constitutes a benchmark of anthropological philosophy which has a special application in ethics. Christian tradition stresses the fact that for a human freedom is above all “a vocation”. Therefore, on the one hand God’s definite design through Jesus Christ concerning man has to find its eschatological realization, on the other hand man’s freedom which is solidifying in this design has to revel and show itself to the full. Undoubtedly the eschatological issue in Christian vision of freedom is worth mentioning as well.

Authors and Affiliations

Janusz Królikowski


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  • EP ID EP298715
  • DOI 10.14746/pst.2017.31.03
  • Views 122
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How To Cite

Janusz Królikowski (2017). "Ku wolności wyzwolił nas Chrystus" (Ga 5, 1). Teologiczne aspekty ludzkiej wolności.. Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne, 31(), 49-65. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-298715