After the independence had been regained Polish
phonographic industry dealt with huge problems
caused by warfare. Moreover it had to be
recreated from scratch since the way it was organized
during annexation was no longe...
The aim of the article is to point out that popular culture, in the framework of which popular song contests function, although associated with the practices, needs, experiences and traditions of ordinary people, is a fo...
The text in hand discusses the question of whether transmedia archaeology, a discipline focused primarily on seeking parallels between contemporary medial industries and those of the past, may include spatial aspects, or...
Komu jeszcze potrzebna jest prywatność? // Postrzeganie prywatności w sieci przez warszawskich licealistów
Diabeł i seryjni mordercy. Rzecz o niebanalności zła
Polski przemysł muzyczny w latach międzywojennych. Rekonesans
After the independence had been regained Polish phonographic industry dealt with huge problems caused by warfare. Moreover it had to be recreated from scratch since the way it was organized during annexation was no longe...
Zimna wojna w popkulturze. Czołówki festiwali piosenki Interwizji i propaganda sukcesu.
The aim of the article is to point out that popular culture, in the framework of which popular song contests function, although associated with the practices, needs, experiences and traditions of ordinary people, is a fo...
The media, i.e. ...? The notion of the media with regard to Polish territories before WWII
The text in hand discusses the question of whether transmedia archaeology, a discipline focused primarily on seeking parallels between contemporary medial industries and those of the past, may include spatial aspects, or...