
Розглянуто трансформацію гуманістичних ідей, що була пов’язана з процесом розкладу ренесансного гуманізму, внаслідок чого світогляд людини втратив колишню цілісність, але зумів усвідомити внутрішню суперечливість буття, людського життя та світобудови в цілому. Зазначено, що праця Дж. Віко «Засади нової науки про загальну природу націй» зробила значний внесок у розроблення італійської моделі «витончених мистецтв», а також підняла на принципово новий рівень розвитку гуманістичне світосприйняття. Наголошено, що історизм філософського кредо Віко дозволив йому вагомо збагатити скарбницю багатьох гуманітарних наук та виробити низку наукових поглядів на загальні проблеми розвитку культури. The author of the article studies the transformation of the humanistic ideas that were connected with the process of decomposition of the Renaissance humanism, due to which the world-view of a person lost its former integrity but it could be understood as internal inconsistency of existence, of person’s life and creation. We point out that the work by G. Vico “The foundation of a new science on general nature of the nations” made a great contribution to the development of the Italian model of “fine art”, and it raised the humanistic world-view to a new level of the development. The author stresses that Vico tried to research the collective consciousness: what people thought, imagined, felt, wanted, struggled against in spite of laws of nature; he raised it onto a certain stage of the development of society with the inherited institutions, monuments, symbols, manners of communication and writing. As far as his conception is concerned, if we want to open the doors into the history of culture it is necessary to “decode” the myths, rites, laws, poetic images, and he considered this work to be his main achievement. Vico as nobody else has to be regarded as a founder of the historic anthropology. His idea of historic development as a chain of cultures is the most important marker in the history of progress of person’s self-identity. The method of reconstruction of the future suggested by Vico brought to the formation of the theory of cultural pluralism, that is, the retrospective panorama of different cultures, which are not identical, and sometimes they are an inconsistent way of life, ideals, and criteria. This gave possibilities to state that eternal idea of a perfect society, where truth, justice, will, happiness, honesty join in their most absolute ways, was not only Utopian but also inner controversial. Each culture expresses itself in the works of art, in philosophy, way of life, all of them are peculiar in their way and are not able to be combined or become the stages of the development to some general aim. Each culture forms its own masterpieces and they are genuinely related only to it. When culture outlived it is possible to admire its take-offs or feel sorry about its disadvantages but when they are the past, nothing can revive them for the present. Namely the notion of a perfect society, where there are harmoniously combined items in the highest achievements of the culture, is deprived of any sense. Honesty itself can’t be combined with others. The development of civilization entails losses and gains. Whatever are the gains the very thing that is lost is lost forever. The best person’s works are organically related to the culture of his or her time; we have the right to judge or to condemn or to approve its certain phenomena, even if we claim that we understand why people thought and did in this or that way. The author of the article stresses that the historical background of Vico’s philosophical credo allowed it essentially to enrich the treasury of many humanitarian sciences and worked out the number of scientific views onto the problem of cultural development.

Authors and Affiliations

Julia Sabadash


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Julia Sabadash (2017). КУЛЬТУРОЛОГІЧНА СКЛАДОВА ТЕОРЕТИЧНОГО ДОРОБКУ ДЖАМБАТТІСТА ВІКО. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія, 7(14), 148-154. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-434781