Language change through ads – the impact of advertising messages on contemporary idio- and sociolects
Journal Title: Socjolingwistyka - Year 2018, Vol 32, Issue
It is evident that, nowadays, advertising messages invade people’s idio- and sociolects, changing the way they communicate on a daily basis, which is why the following paper aims at drawing attention to the phenomenon of language change engendered by advertising slogans. The research conducted is based on a collection of slogans originating from Polish and English advertisements and commercials, as well as on a survey whose main objective is to assess ads’ influence on everyday communicative practices, with special emphasis placed on the possible acquisition of new phrasemes through ads. The results obtained in the sur¬vey prove that young Poles often acquire certain expressions from advertising messages, which results in subtle language change in terms of new phrasemes in colloquial speech.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Stwora
Moja ślóńsko rzecz. Szkic autoetnograficzny
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Language change through ads – the impact of advertising messages on contemporary idio- and sociolects
It is evident that, nowadays, advertising messages invade people’s idio- and sociolects, changing the way they communicate on a daily basis, which is why the following paper aims at drawing attention to the phenomenon of...