Laparoscopic Treatment of Abdominal Hernia – 5 Years of Experience
Journal Title: Polish Journal of Surgery - Year 2014, Vol 86, Issue 8
Laparoscopic surgery has become a well approved method of abdominal hernias treatment in recent years. Due to the advancement of laparoscopy and the use of improved synthetic materials laparoscopic surgery is characterized not only by low complication but also by a short period of recovery after surgery. The aim of the study was a retrospective analysis of the results of laparoscopic abdominal hernia surgeries (IPOM). Material and methods. Between year 2007 and 2012, 65 patients aged between 29 to 76 underwent laproscopic abdominal hernia surgeries due to either primary or postoperative abdominal hernias. All patients were examined in perioperative period, after 12 and 24 months after surgery in search of complications, pain and reccurence. Recovery period was also estimated. Results. In most cases postoperative pain was estimated from 1 to 4 on VAS scale. The most frequent complications were seromas that occured in 3 patients. The other complications were pneumothorax, wound hematoma and wound infection that occured once each. One patient required reoperation due to wound hematoma. Chronic postoperative pain was diagnosed in 3 patients and 4 recurrences were stated. Conclusions. Laparoscopic therapy of abdominal hernias is a safe operative method characterized by low recurrence and complication rates as well as short hospital stay and quick recovery. This technique is restricted by high material costs and the lack of full refund for the procedure.
Authors and Affiliations
Andrzej Litarski, Jerzy Pawełczyk, Jarosław Majcherek, Dawid Janczak, Lech Pawłowski, Zuzanna Rucińska, Dariusz Janczak
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