Late-onset Multiple Sclerosis

Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2010, Vol 23, Issue 4


The term late-onset multiple sclerosis is defined as appearing of the first symptoms suggesting MS in the age over 50. This type of diagnosis is made in 4-9,6 % cases. Late-onset MS has usually primary progressive course, and first symptoms are piramidal and cerebellar in 60-70% cases. The progression of disease and disability progression in the late-onset MS is usually quicker, and the prognosis is worse. The Late onset MS usually is the big diagnostic problem, and in process of establishing the proper diagnosis detailed differential diagnosis in necessarry, wchich take into account vascular pathology of the brain and spinal core, compressive mielopathies, pathologies connected with arterial hypertension, and the metabolic diseases, vasculitis, degenerative and deficiency syndromes. Additional investigations such as MRI, evoked potentials and CSF investigation have in the late-onset MS great diagnostic value, but we should remember to perform careful and clear-sighted interpretation of this tests taking into account the possibility of coexistence of many diseases in older persons.

Authors and Affiliations

Ewa Belniak, Zbigniew Stelmasiak


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Ewa Belniak, Zbigniew Stelmasiak (2010). Late-onset Multiple Sclerosis. Postępy Nauk Medycznych, 23(4), -.