Leagues of City-States and Tribal Unions of Ancient Greece of VIII – IV Centuries BC.

Journal Title: Теорія і практика правознавства - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 10


The article is devoted to the study of establishment and operation of leagues of city-states and tribal unions of Ancient Greece of VIII–IV centuries BC – amphictyonies, sympolitias and symmaxias. According to the author their experience clearly indicates an advanced level of legal consciousness of these ancient societies, their ability to choose such organizational and legal forms of interaction that more adequately and effectively regulate the relationship between them. The author explores the legal basis of these ancient associations’ activities, their organizational structure, and powers of the main organs. The available information about them convincingly demonstrates the extraordinary vitality of these associations, their ability to coordinate effectively relations of their members, organizing their efforts for achievement of common and predetermined goals. Even if we look at them from the modern ideas of international intergovernmental organizations basic criteria, some of the older ones had them, despite of their implementation in another historical conditions. For example, the Second Athenian Naval Union (IV. BC) was established by the international Treaty; it had elected permanent executive bodies and a common treasury; it was engaged in international relations; it had a system of sanctions against members. In general the given data testify in favor of non-linear development of practices related to selection and establishment of adequate organizational-legal forms of international cooperation, which undoubtedly had a significant influence on the development of appropriate theoretical perspectives.

Authors and Affiliations

Ю. Щокін


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Ю. Щокін (2016). Leagues of City-States and Tribal Unions of Ancient Greece of VIII – IV Centuries BC.. Теорія і практика правознавства, 2(10), 14-14. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-176677