Legal Linguistics of Judicial Educational Activities
Journal Title: Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ - Year 2019, Vol 85, Issue 2
The objective of the study is to provide characteristics to the state of academic discipline “Legal Linguistics” in Ukraine and in the countries of Romano-Germanic law, and its origin. To achieve the objective, the author has solved the following tasks: 1) description of the state of academic discipline “Legal Linguistics” in Ukrainian educational institutions; 2) “Legal Linguistics” as an academic discipline and as a research direction in the educational institutions of Germany and Switzerland and its importance for training a “European lawyer”. It has been concluded that “Legal Linguistics” as an interdisciplinary academic discipline must be offered in the curriculum for training a lawyer in the specialty 081 “Jurisprudence” as an academic discipline of choice. The purpose of its study is to get acquainted with the main directions, ideas and problems of the current legal and linguistic science; studying theoretical and methodological principles of legal linguistics; mastering the methodology of drafting, editing and analysis of legal texts, namely normative and legal, various substatutory acts and law-enforcement documents. The tasks of the academic discipline are: students acquire in-depth knowledge, skills and abilities on the role of a language within legal regulation, the basics of legal technique, law-making and law-enforcement errors, specific features of linguistic examination of bills, mastering the methodology of drafting, editing and analysis of legal texts. The training of a modern lawyer in Europe is increasingly directed not at the study of state legislation, but on the formation of a “European lawyer”, who thinks globally, is able to work not only with national law, but also with the acquis communautaire and to correctly interpret such acts, based on the provisions and conclusions of legal comparative studies. Training of law students in accordance with the European Credit Transfer System, which facilitates their mobility, assists in such a formation.
Authors and Affiliations
О. Minchenko
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