Legal regime of the maritime border of Ukraine
Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2018, Vol 11, Issue 3
The article is devoted to the study of the modern legal regime of the maritime border of Ukraine. The author considers the general principles of the definition of the maritime area of the state border, the legal status and the regime of the territorial sea of Ukraine, the regime of the sea border of Ukraine, the procedure for peaceful passage of the territorial sea of Ukraine, the features of the border regime and the protection of the maritime section of the state border of Ukraine. It is noted that the main characteristic of the legal regime of the territorial sea of Ukraine and the crossing of the sea area of the state border of Ukraine is the possibility of peaceful passage for vessels under foreign flags, prohibition of certain actions and, of course, communication by means of communication about the nature and the process of passing that is one of the elements of observance of the rules of radio, navigation and other rules established by Ukraine. It is also noted that the program documents on the maritime activity of Ukraine should identify the main directions of modern Ukrainian maritime policy taking into account new challenges and threats, with a focus on the restoration of the rights of Ukraine as a coastal state in the Black Sea-Azov region with well-established and effectively protected sea borders. The author concludes that the analysis of the current legal regime of the maritime border of Ukraine and its legal provision testifies that in Ukraine legislation on the establishment of regime rules of coastal waters and maritime activities is well-studied, defines all aspects of ensuring the regime of the state sea border, providing for norms on peaceful passage, coordination of actions on border guarding and contains norms on ensuring participation of citizens and their associations in them, but some issues are still uncertain and require conceptual changes and updates at program documents, state delimitation of maritime boundaries, delineation of coastal spaces and working out legislative technique.
Authors and Affiliations
Олег Стец, Oleg Stets
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