Legal status and scope of protection of war correspondents in armed conflicts in the light of international law – review of selected legal acts
Journal Title: Refleksje. Pismo naukowe studentów i doktorantów WNPiD UAM - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 18
In the world of progressive mediatization of wars and armed conflicts and the constantly changing working conditions of war correspondents, the risk that they take while performing their profession studies is unchanged for years. In view of contemporary, usually asymmetric, conflicts, the need to strengthen the protection of journalists is a serious challenge. The aim of the article is to present the current legal status of war journalists and correspondents and the scope of their protection in con-temporary international armed conflicts in the light of selected acts of international law. At the same time, the article is an attempt to answer questions about the nature of the status and the extent to which laws on protection for war correspondents and journalists are insufficient. Moreover, actions undertaken in recent years to change international law in this matter are also discussed
Authors and Affiliations
Krzysztof Grządzielski
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