Legalne organizacje społeczne w powiatach sokołowskim i węgrowskim do 1914 roku
Journal Title: Radzyński Rocznik Humanistyczny - Year 2017, Vol 15, Issue
Granting freehold to peasants in 1864 ended the process of obtaining their full rights in the Kingdom of Poland. They started to participate in the social life just like other layers. The general population growth as well as the steady rise of its income and education resulted in the emergence of various social organizations in the second half of the 19th century. In the years 1881-1914 at least seventy-two independent organizations and nine nationwide branches with their main administrative seat in Warsaw were registered in this area. The most significant among the independent organizations were: forty-four grocers’ cooperatives, twelve agricultural cooperatives, seven dairy cooperatives and four volunteer fire associations, whereas among the branches- there were eight educational associations. In the period of the limited social life (until 1894), only one organization was established, five during the regulating period (1894-1906), and sixty-six organizations and nine branches during the liberalization (1906-1914). As far as the independent organizations are concerned, sixty-five were set up by Poles, one by Jews, one by Orthodox peasants, three by Poles and Russians together, and there is no information about the two remaining ones. Forty-four independent organizations were legalized in the county of Sokołów, including seven in Sokołów itself, three in settlements and thirty-four in villages. In the county of Węgrów the number amounted to twenty-eight such institutions, including five in Węgrów, five in settlements and eighteen in villages. There were also seven and two branches with a broader scope of activity in the counties of Sokołów and Węgrów respectively. The first association was founded by Polish burghers and Russian state officials. The outbreak of the revolution in 1905 stimulated peasants socially. State authorities limited the social life of Poles. As in the whole Congress Poland, they liquidated the branches of the Polish Motherland Schools and Polish Gymnastic Society “Sokol”. The limited Judaic activity in the legal social life was conditioned by cultural, educational and charitable goals pursued by synagogue districts where the people gathered.
Authors and Affiliations
Wojciech Jaworski
„Nie-Rzeczywistość” Strajkowy Biuletyn Informacyjny (18 listopada – 11 grudnia 1981 roku) jako źródło do badań aktywności siedleckich studentów
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Legalne organizacje społeczne w powiatach sokołowskim i węgrowskim do 1914 roku
Granting freehold to peasants in 1864 ended the process of obtaining their full rights in the Kingdom of Poland. They started to participate in the social life just like other layers. The general population growth as wel...