Lifelong learning – an essential condition for success in life MAN
Journal Title: Вісник Національного юридичного університету імені Ярослава Мудрого. Серія: філософія, філософія права, політологія, соціологія - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 29
The essence of the concept of lifelong learning, which refers to all the activities of both the state and the individual to obtain education from early childhood up to retirement with the aim of achieving fulfillment in life success. Continuing education – a set of methods and forms of competition, deepening and expansion of basic education, professional competence and cultural identity. For each person continuing education is a process of formation and satisfaction of cognitive and spiritual needs, development of abilities in the network of educational institutions or by self. The principle of «lifelong learning» today operates in all civilized countries, as in the information society, everyone always feels the lack of specific knowledge and needs in their regular updating. An increasing number of people, who continue their education and learn new skills or improve their skills. This happens for many reasons: popular in earlier times the profession becomes unclaimed; man loses interest to the profession, which it does, or seeks to improve the quality of professional knowledge. Yet the main reason is the rapid development of society and the processes of globalization and informatization, through which the new reality of today is that human knowledge obsolete very quickly. Everything appears urgent requirement of constant and rapid conversion rights, the expansion of the acquired knowledge and skills, without which it is impossible to have not only a career, but just stay on the job. Therefore, in the information society achieve success in life of man is impossible without constant development of new knowledge, without improving skills that will foster the creative person who can not only independently and critically rethink existing frames everyday practices, but also to form a new, proactive social development. This will enable people to quickly adapt to difficult living conditions, set and achieve their own objectives, cultivate the necessary quality and gain knowledge that will be needed in the future. It is proved that in modern society the individual livelihoods can be successful only if the constant assimilation of innovative ideas, which is only possible as a result of independent learning throughout life. And the specificity of the modern information society is that people should direct their training on mastering the knowledge that will be needed in the future. In conditions of rapid development of information society, to be a performer, who can well absorb existing frames interactions, means only one thing – life remain subordinate. In order to make a successful career, man today must go to framing itself goals, values, qualities, knowledge and skills that will determine its future success in life. So, given the rapid pace of socio-economic relations, the most important requirement for modern personality is a flexible, emotional intelligence, which enables not only to perceive the changing world, but also form the frames of future interactions feel how the world will change and what to do today in order to be successful tomorrow. This will help a person to go beyond the standard knowledge of established truths and create something new. Stereotypical thinking, based only on passive assimilation of existing frames in the community, not the individual will be successful in terms of the world that is changing almost day. It is concluded that in today’s information society achievements success in life of man is impossible without constant replenishment of their educational capital. Continuous new knowledge and skills will foster the creative personality, able to quickly adapt to new conditions of life, able to think critically, independently and effectively achieve set goals in life.
Authors and Affiliations
Олена Олексіївна Маркозова
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