Limits of Naturalism – Limits of Legal Sciences
Journal Title: Polish Law Review - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 1
Contemporary developments in natural sciences have reinvigorated the debates over the need of naturalisation of social sciences and the humanities. It raises the further question of the extent to which these debates should pertain also to jurisprudence. The paper examines this problem and outlines the distinction between two approaches to the point and nature of jurisprudence. The first is oriented toward the exposition of the content of law. It is based mainly on methodologies being developed within legal dogmatics and is directly relevant to the practice of law, which draws heavily on the respective fields of legal scholarship. The other approach conceives the phenomenon of law as a part of social and psychological reality and seeks explanation of what how the exists, develops and what are the socio-psychological mechanisms of its functioning. Such inquiries are oriented towards cognitive purposes rather than provide direct support to legal practice. These two versions of scientific study on law are dubbed „legal sciences” and the „science of law” respectively. The core of the first is a hermeneutic act of understanding and therefore legal science is principally inapt for serious naturalisation. In contrast to that, the science of law is empirical and in order to have truly scientific character it has to be – at least in the long run - built into a web of coherent causal explanations of reality developed by mutually interacting natural science and naturalized behavioural and neurosciences.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Tomasz Pietrzykowski
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