Linguistic Approaches to the Quranic Verses in Hâşiye ale’l-Keşşâf At-tributed to Jamâleddîn Aksarâyî
Journal Title: Mütefekkir - Year 2017, Vol 4, Issue 7
In the interpretation of Qur’an, linguistic tafsir is the first and ancient method that a mufassir refers to. Although Zemahşerî’s al-Keşşâf which aimed to apply the Mu’tazila way of thinking on the verses have been criticized, because of its unique linguistic interpretations, it has the identity of being a source that the mufassirs in every comprehension have referred to. Because of this feature, several mufassirs have performed exegesis and annotation studies on it. One of these studies is Hâşiye ale’l-Keşşâf which is connected to Jamal al-Din Aksarayî (d. 791/1388) and located in Manisa City Public Library, in Manisa Akhisar Zeynelzade collection and stored in the archive number 45 Ak Ze 422. We think it is mistaken for his missing annotation in Süleymaniye Library Carullah Collection no 208 and as a result of the search we did, we have made firm that this work is an annotations written about al-Baydawi (d. 638/1286) Anwar al-tanzil and its author is Jamal al-Din Ishaq al-Qaramani (d. 933/1527). In this book, the Quranic verses were interpreted in terms of linguistics, meaning of the words, lexicalize, syntax and rhetoric, and also noun/verb differences of the word and the meaning differences. In this study we are going to examine the linguistic interpretations of the Quranic verses in Hâşiye ale’l-Keşşâf attributed to Jamaleddin Aksarayi.
Authors and Affiliations
Mehmet KAYA
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