Macrozoobenthos of water objects affected by the South-Ukrainian electric power-producing complex / Макрозообентос водних об’єктів зони впливу південноукраїнського енергокомплексу
Journal Title: Рибогосподарська наука України - Year 2018, Vol 44, Issue 2
Purpose.Analysis of changes in the structural characteristics of macrozoobenthos of water objects affected by the South-Ukrainian Electric Power-Producing Complex in connection with large-scale hydrotechnical construction. Methodology. Conventional hydrobiological methods of sampling and processing of zoobenthos samples were used for the study. Findings. The performed studies of macrozobenthos of water objects affected by the South-Ukrainian Electric Power-Producing Complex shown that human activity very significantly changed the natural development of the hydrobiocenoses of the Yuzhny Bug River and, as a consequence, the Bug estuary. The intensified human impact and eutrophication led to the unification of the fauna in the lower reaches of the river, which manifested in the disappearance and replacement of specific Ponto-Caspian species of hydrobionts by species of wide distribution and resistant to pollution. The change in the hydrological regime and anthropogenic pollution led to the disappearance of a number of species, primarily of endemic and relic ones, with which the Dnieper-Bug interfluve had its own individual features. The liberation of the ecological niche previously occupied by these species allows other species, often quite aggressive "invaders", to occupy free biotopes. This is facilitated by the creation of water objects, thanks to specific conditions such as the year-round thermal regime close to the subtropical one, which promotes reproduction and successful acclimatization of alien species. Originality. A comparative characteristic of the structural parameters of the macrozoobenthos of water objects affected by the South-Ukrainian Electric Power-Producing Complex has been presented. Practical value. The results of the study can be used for forecasting possible changes in the ecosystems of some water bodies and for the assessment of their ecological state.
Authors and Affiliations
A. Lyashenko, O. Slepnev, V. Makovsky, Yu. Sytnyk, T. Grigorenko
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