Майнова шкода як криміноутворююча ознака злочину, передбаченого ст. 270-1 Кримінального кодексу України


У статті проведено аналіз майнової шкоди як ознаки об’єктивної сторони складу злочину, передбаченого ст. 270-1 КК України. На цій основі було розроблено науково обґрунтовані рекомендації, спрямовані на вдосконалення чинної редакції норми про умисне знищення або пошкодження об’єктів ЖКГ. The article analyzes property damage as a sign of the objective part of the crime, provided by Art. 270-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. On this basis, scientifically substantiated recommendations were developed, aimed at improving the current version of the norm of intentional destruction or damage to utility projects. In particular, it was found that property damage as a consequence of the crime under investigation should be caused to a large extent, which, according to paragraph 2 of the note to Art. 270-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine is an amount that exceeds the non-taxable minimum income of citizens by 300 times or more. It was proved that taking into account the declared aspirations of the legislator to increase responsibility for intentional destruction or damage to utility services through the addition of the Criminal Code of Ukraine by a special norm (Art. 270-1), it is illogical to consider the situation when in Art. 270-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, damage is considered to be caused in large amounts, if direct losses amount to 300 times or more times the non-taxable minimum income of citizens, and in particularly large amounts - 1000 and more, but if qualification of the crime provided for in Art. 194 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, similar indicators are much lower - 250 and 600 non-taxable minimum income of citizens, respectively. Taking into account the above, it is proposed to unify the relevant quantitative indices of property damage in the note to the Art. 194 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. It is revealed that in any Western Europe, any manifestation of intentional destruction or damage to someone else’s property is recognized as criminal (except for obviously negligible); In the post-Soviet countries, the indicator of the crime-forming effect of the act in question in the form of "significant property damage" is on average 16,760 UAH, and in Ukraine – 220,250 UAH. Therefore, in order to form a more effective mechanism of criminal legal action in Ukraine as an encroachment on property in general, and on objects of housing and communal services, in particular, it is proposed to reduce the corresponding crime-forming indicator to the size of "significant damage" (50 non-taxable minimum income of citizens).

Authors and Affiliations

Роман Мовчан


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Роман Мовчан (2018). Майнова шкода як криміноутворююча ознака злочину, передбаченого ст. 270-1 Кримінального кодексу України. Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка, 81(1), 113-120. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-535705