Management in pregnancy complicated with chronic hypertension
Journal Title: Ginekologia i Położnictwo medical project - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 39
Chronic hypertension concerns approximately 1% of pregnant women. In most cases, it is primary hypertension. In the remaining cases, it is usually associated with renal, vascular or endocrine disorders. Clinical assessment of a patient with hypertension consists in the identification of the cause of this condition, evaluation of cardiovascular risk factors and detection of target organ complications. The aim of treatment in patients with arterial hypertension is to control blood pressure to the value of 140/90 mmHg. That is why reliable blood pressure measurements are a crucial element of both diagnosis and monitoring of antihypertensive therapy. Treatment should include both non-pharmacological methods and, at the next stage, implementation of medications that can be used during pregnancy. Various priorities of antihypertensive therapy, associated with the necessity to include benefits for both the mother and fetus, and the lack of randomized trials comparing antihypertensive medications used during pregnancy evoke discussions among perinatologists and cardiologists. The greatest benefits for both pregnant women and children born of pregnancies complicated with arterial hypertension are observed when physicians of all specialties cooperate and share information and experience. The paper presents current guidelines concerning diagnosis, monitoring and chronic treatment of arterial hypertension in pregnancy.
Authors and Affiliations
Dorota Darmochwał-Kolarz, Dariusz Śliwa, Monika Przegalińska-Kałamucka, Jan Oleszczuk
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