Management of investment processes on financial markets
Journal Title: Економічний аналіз - Year 2018, Vol 28, Issue 4
Introduction. Significant importance of the modern research of investment processes in modern financial markets has determined the interrelations of the financial and industrial sectors of the national economy. We have studied the relevant levers and the following interactions, which greatly influenced the economy as a whole, expanding the great opportunities for continuous improvement of the stability of economic activity and its efficiency. In the face of a constant and significant shortage of self-financing by national companies, the current problem of attracting funds is very important. The powerful market-based financial instruments should be used. Purpose. The article aims to create the following conceptual framework for increasing the stability and efficiency of modern investment processes in financial markets. Method (methodology). The estimation and analysis methods of risks and financing efficiency, the estimation of financial and economic performance, statistical methods have been used to solve the tasks. Results. The practice of efficient management of modern investment processes at the macro level and at the country level will be characterized by considerable uncertainty of the functions of such a system of management, low level of coordination of their interaction, poor orderliness of information flows. Therefore, we offer schemes of information flows and functional structure of management of investment processes in modern financial markets.
Authors and Affiliations
Oleksandr Lavryk, Karina Jafarbaghi
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