Managing the Quality of Bank Services as a Method to Change Consumer Perception and Grow Customer Satisfaction from Offered Products


A dynamically changing economic environment is conducive to the emergence of new distribution channels. In addition, new bank products and services have influence on changing trends. Although banks excel in implementing new solutions, services, and products for the customer, the most important and key element in building long-lasting relationships with clients will be the quality of the offered solutions. The article is intended to show the importance of managing the quality of service. This paper shows that quality of services is a key element affecting the competitive position of enterprises. The article presents basic definitions related to quality. It also presents a comparison of the different types of clients, and the related behaviours and perception of quality which includes the missions, visions, and strategies of individual banks. In addition, the article presents the results of personal research done by the author, which is realized by the specialized research institutions which deal with getting feedback on the client perception of the Bank.

Authors and Affiliations

Gabriela Gurgul


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How To Cite

Gabriela Gurgul (2016). Managing the Quality of Bank Services as a Method to Change Consumer Perception and Grow Customer Satisfaction from Offered Products. Studia Zarządzania i Finansów Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej w Poznaniu, 10(), 61-69.