
Висвітлюються актуальні для нашого часу питання історії боротьби маріупольських більшовиків за владу в 1917 р. З’ясувуються історичні умови суспільної трансформації, яка відбувалася в 1917 р. в Україні від демократичної революції до збройного протистояння, від Української національно-демократичної революції до більшовицької диктатури. Аналізується місце більшовиків у суспільних процесах в Україні загалом та в Маріуполі зокрема в революційних подіях 1917 р. з погляду сторічної давнини в контексті політики декомунізації. The article elucidates scientifically topical issues of nowadays of Mariupol Bilshovyks’ struggle for power in 1917. The article’s publication enables to define the historical conditions of social transformation taking place in 1917 in Ukraine from democratic revolution to armed confrontation, from Ukrainian national-democratic revolution to the Bilshovyks’ dictatorship. It enables to define the Bilshovyks real place in social processes in Ukraine in general and in Mariupol in particular in revolutionary events of 1917 from the point of view of centenary prescription in the context of decommunisation policy. The article gives the possibility to analyse historical experience of political activity in Ukraine of the political force that combined communist socialist radicalism, tendency to solve social problems with methods of force and pro-Russian political orientation. At present there is a pressing need to analyse the problem under examination without ideological bias. Striving to seizure of power during revolutionary events of 1917 Mariupol Bilshovyks guided by their authorities’ instructions aimed at seizing power in the city at any cost. In fact, the Bilshovyks strove for this in the national scale. In the course of their struggle in Northern Nadazovye Mariupol Bilshovyks counted on armed forces. Formation of Red Army troops from among the workers having military training was carried out at Mariupol plants. At the crucial moment these illegal armed units were used by Bilshovyks for seizure of power. The Provisional government, Ukrainian Central Rada and governmental authorities subjected to them in 1917 made some mistakes in economic and social policy issues. The expected reforms were slow or didn’t start at all. This fact aroused disappointment and discontent of general public. It diminished credibility of democratically founded power and gave the Bilshovyks great opportunities for political speculations and propaganda. While preparing for seizure of power Mariupol Bilshovyks paid great attention to indoctrination of workers, soldiers and the youth, actually, waging an aggressive information war against democratic governmental bodies, against Ukrainian Central Rada. It was aimed at forming overtly negative attitude to the existing Ukrainian power among lower classes. Such Bilshovyks’ experience of 1917 was used by anti-Ukrainian powers in Donbas in spring – autumn of 2014 destroying governmental bodies of the Ukrainian state.

Authors and Affiliations

Volodymyr Romantsov


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Volodymyr Romantsov (2016). МАРІУПОЛЬСЬКІ БІЛЬШОВИКИ В БОРОТЬБІ ЗА ВЛАДУ В 1917 р. УРОКИ ІСТОРІЇ НА ПОРОЗІ СТОЛІТНЬОГО ЮВІЛЕЮ РЕВОЛЮЦІЇ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 6(17), 75-82. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-429564