Marketing of research institutes in view of current organizational and legal regulations
Journal Title: Marketing Instytucji Naukowych i Badawczych - Year 2013, Vol 7, Issue 1
The paper aims to describe in a synthetic way some issues related to the marketing activity of R&D organizations in view of legal acts regulating the functioning of the state owned R&D organizations. The authors have analyzed some regulations related to research institutes and their activities, regulations specifying criteria and procedures of granting of a scientific category to a R&D unit as well as principals of financing of the science and regulations related to the operations of certifying units. Basing on this analysis the authors have elaborated a set of marketing goals of the R&D organizations, a list of their stakeholders and of specific marketing tools both accessible in view of the rules and regulations in force and effective from the point of view of parametric evaluation of the R&D organizations. Among the analyzed tools there are the following: issues related to publications, organization of conferences, seminars and popularizing events, organization of education and training courses, internal policies related to intellectual property protection, internal policies related to technology transfer, membership in international organizations and applied quality policies.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Slotorsz, Waldemar Cichoń
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