Маркетингове управління підприємством на сучасному туристичному ринку
Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка - Year 2018, Vol 8, Issue 15
У статті проаналізоване маркетингове управління підприємством, яке засноване на сучасної маркетингової концепції та виражається через досягнення максимальної прибутковості підприємства за рахунок споживчої задоволеності. Розглянуто основні елементи маркетингового управління, які складаються з чотирьох компонентів та мають певні характеристики. Надана характеристика основних маркетингових функцій, які впливають на сучасний туристичний ринок. The article analyzes the marketing management of the enterprise, which is based on the modern marketing concept and is expressed through the achievement of maximum profitability of the enterprise due to consumer satisfaction. The main elements of marketing management, which consist of four components and have certain characteristics, are considered. The characteristic of the main marketing functions influencing the modern tourist market is given. At the present stage of development of the tourist market, all enterprises operate in a complex, volatile, high degree of uncertainty, marketing environment, therefore the management of marketing activities acquires a special significance for them. Only the offer to consumers of valuable, significant products can be a guarantee of survival in the competition, as in exchange for the goods and services produced, the firm receives funds for its existence and activities. Marketing Management is a complex system of interconnected and interconnected functional elements, aimed at the choice of strategy and tactics for the development of an entrepreneurial structure. Management of marketing (formation of consumer value) of an enterprise can be represented as a system with a functional dependence of the following groups of elements, namely: communication policy; commodity policy, pricing policy and sales policy. The main feature of marketing is that its activity is oriented to needs. It is consumers' needs that are the main focus of the manufacturers of goods and services. The motto of many firms is: "Find the needs and satisfy them", "To produce what can be sold, not to try to sell what is produced," "Love the customer, not the product." It is through satisfaction of consumers' needs that the producers realize their ultimate goal - profit making. Consequently, marketing activity plays a big role and influences the increase of the firm's efficiency. It is called the "business philosophy", since as philosophy is a science of knowledge, the marketing method of thinking is the basis for the implementation of any commercial transaction. It covers a wide range of tasks that face the leaders of firms: the development of tactics of the firm and the implementation of commodity, pricing, marketing policies and strategies for promoting products on the market.
Authors and Affiliations
Maryna Gorbachevskaya
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