Masculinity in a criminal Subculture, and the Possibilities of Inmate Resocialization


Analyzing 60 semi-structured interviews conducted in three Lithuanian correctional houses (Vilnius, Alytus and Pravieniškės) and prisoners’ criminal records, the article discusses the construction of incarcerated masculinity. Focusing on the definition and theoretical perspectives of hegemonic masculinity (Connell 2005; Messerdhmidt 2012) and using insights of imprisoned masculinity research (Abrams et al. 2008; Curtis 2014; Kupers 2005), the article analyzes the role of hypermasculinity within Lithu- anian prisons. The empirical results reveal three forms of masculinity: hypermasculinity, traditional and “human” masculinity named after prisoners’ self-definitions. One third of the research participants maintained hypermasculinty and half of them supported traditional masculinity. The author argues that traditional masculinity based on toughness, male dominance, emotional balance, and loyalty is dominant in Lithuanian prisons. However, the form of traditional masculinity rejects aggressiveness as one of its characteristic features. The interviews demonstrate that prisoners emphasize the importance of an adaptation to informal prison rules and the proper presentation of self. Therefore, it is meaningful to discuss the presentation of self and management of a masculine front following Goffman’s (2000) dramaturgical theory. Eventually, a “human” form of masculinity proves that hypermasculine behaviour is not the only recourse of masculinity in prisons. The research participants who maintained the “human” form constructed their masculinities by referring to the resources related to life after imprisonment.

Authors and Affiliations

Rūta Petkevičiūtė


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How To Cite

Rūta Petkevičiūtė (2014). Masculinity in a criminal Subculture, and the Possibilities of Inmate Resocialization. KultŁ«ra ir visuomenė. SocialiniŁ³ tyrimŁ³ Ł¾urnalas, 5(3), 11-33.