Materialne i kolizyjne prawo małżeńskie Indii
Journal Title: Metryka. Studia z zakresu prawa osobowego i rejestracji stanu cywilnego - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue 2
Th e system which is legaly binding in India is entirely different from the polish one. First of all, substancial law concerning marital relationships is in major part a religious law. Personal and property relationships between the spouses are almost entirely outside the scope of interests of the legislator. Conflict rules binding in India remain unwritten, and result from the judgements of Indian and English courts. In case of family law, many rules are not precise and courts decide which religious norms are applicable in particular case, without application of connectors traditional for international privat law such as nationality and abode.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Sapota
Wywieranie wpływu – sztuka czy sztuczka?
Wskazówki trenera umiejętności miękkich dla urzędników USC.
Zmiana wyznania lub światopoglądu jako zawiniona przyczyna rozkładu pożycia małżeńskiego
Th e article aims at giving the answer to a question for it, whether the change of faith or the world view can be regarded through the court, adjudicating in the divorce suit or the separation, behind the just cause of d...
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