Mathematical Modeling of Heat Transfer Processes in the Systems of Environmental Diagnosis of Locomotives –Tunnels


Purpose. Increasing the accuracy of advanced systems for the ecological diagnosis of diesel locomotives - microtunnels in determining one of the main toxicity indicators of exhaust gases of a diesel engine - mass emission of particles. Methods. Mathematical modeling, experimental studies, computational experiment, analysis and synthesis of information. Results. The technology of measuring the mass ejection of solid particles is analyzed. A mathematical description of the heat transfer process in a tunnel, consisting of a system of differential heat transfer equations and single-valued conditions in a dimensionless form, is developed. The criterial equation for calculating the heat transfer coefficient at the flow-wall boundary in any tunnel has been experimentally determined and tested for adequacy. Conclusions. The heat transfer process at the tunnel-wall boundary in various systems of ecological diagnostics of diesel locomotives was studied theoretically and experimentally. The criterial heat transfer equation in the tunnel is obtained, the use of which makes it possible to increase the accuracy of advanced systems for ecological diagnosis of locomotives - microtunnels.

Authors and Affiliations

A. P. Polivyanchuk


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How To Cite

A. P. Polivyanchuk (2017). Mathematical Modeling of Heat Transfer Processes in the Systems of Environmental Diagnosis of Locomotives –Tunnels. Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна серія "Екологія", 0(16), 96-106.