Measuring nurses’ knowledge about the principles of civil and criminal liability
Journal Title: Pielęgniarstwo XXI wieku - Year 2015, Vol 14, Issue 2
Introduction. Nurses should be held legally responsible for both the damage to the patients they cause as well as the crimes they may commit. Aim. Measuring the nurses’ knowledge about the principles of civil and criminal liability. Material and methods. Some 100 nurses, 89% of which were women, participated in the study. The mean age: 42 years (min. 24, max. 65 years, SD: 4.112). Mean length of tenure: 22 years (min. 1, max. 40, SD: 6.001). Group 1 (40%) – had secondary and Group 2 (60%) had higher education. The 71 nurses worked in a hospital. The study was voluntary and anonymous study and consisted of 44 questions, Mann-Whitney U test, α<0,05. Results. 99% knew that they are liable for their activities, 26 persons indicated responsibility for activities of their co-workers and their subordinates. Differences between Groups 1 and 2 were insignificant (p=NS). A majority of them mentioned three types of liability: civil, criminal, and professional. Among them, 79% knew that a nurse is criminally liable even for putting a patient’s health or life at risk (p<0.449). Some 50% of the study participants knew that civil liability is regulated by the Civil Code. Conclusions. The level of knowledge of legal and professional responsibility was insufficient. The nurses’ educational level did not exert any influence over their level of knowledge. Preparing a post-graduate training targeted to nurses has to be considered.
Authors and Affiliations
Joanna Gotlib, Jarosława Belowska, Aleksander Zarzeka, Renata Krupińska-Gawot
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