Memuary Mahteme Syllasje Uelde Mesk'ela czyli etiopskie spojrzenie na cesarstwo w okresie zmian

Journal Title: Afryka - Year 2013, Vol 37, Issue


Memoirs by Mahteme Sillase Welde Mesk’el is a book of about one thousand pages. The author of this book, an Ethiopian intellectual of Haile Sillase I’s period, described methods of governing in the Ethiopian Empire. The book is a collection of sources which may be used to interpret the traditional methods of ruling the country in the time when Ethiopia tried to protect its independence and power at the turn of the 20th century. To achieve this aim Ethiopia had to adopt to the changing rules of the contemporary world. Memoirs serve also as an example of Ethiopian writings on state, its history and its rulers, which developed both as a continuation of Ethiopian tradition of writing and oral tradition as well as taking from European methods of writing history.

Authors and Affiliations

Hanna Rubinkowska-Anioł


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How To Cite

Hanna Rubinkowska-Anioł (2013). Memuary Mahteme Syllasje Uelde Mesk'ela czyli etiopskie spojrzenie na cesarstwo w okresie zmian. Afryka, 37(), 91-108.