Mesenteric avulsion in a blunt trauma
Journal Title: Ege Tıp Dergisi - Year 2016, Vol 55, Issue 4
Mesenteric injuries are uncommon with blunt trauma, however these injuries must be considered in patients which are presented with blunt abdominal trauma. Preoperative diagnose is quite difficult in mesenteric injuries,and mostly they are detected during laparotomies which were performed due to hemodinamic instability. Fifty-two years old male patient was admitted to emergency service with road accident. On admission; glasgow coma scale: 14, blood pressure: 70/50 mmHg, pulse: 78/min, hemoglobin: 11 g/dL, hematocrite: 34% and leukocyte: 6500/ mm³. Abdominal computerized tomography showed diffuse intraabdominal hemorrhagic fluid and mesenteric fat straining. Diagnostic laparotomy was performed due to hemodynamic instability after 2 hours of conservative management. Mesenteric avulsion and 120 cm small bowel necrosis were detected and hemorrhage control and anastomosis were performed after resection of necrotic intestine. Patient was discharged uneventfully on postoperative day 9.
Authors and Affiliations
Abdullah Şişik, Fatih Başak, Tolga Canbak, Ali Kılıç, Aylin Acar, Metin Yücel, Adnan Özpek, Gürhan Baş
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