Message 8: “Use safer products”
Journal Title: Αρχεία Ελληνικής Ιατρικής - Year 2008, Vol 25, Issue 1
The role of consumer products in injury causation is crucial. It has been estimated that about 70% of all unintentional home and leisure injuries in the European Union (EU) are associated with consumer products. Risk groups and risk factors vary in relation to the consumption or use of particular products. Nevertheless, many product-related accidents, especially those concerning toys, can be prevented through the adoption of simple but important practices. This paper aims: (a) to describe the magnitude and the socio-economic burden of product related injuries in the countries of the EU, (b) to outline underlying risk factors and (c) to present evidence based preventive practices that reduce the likelihood of product related injury occurrence. Some of these measures are therefore included in the European Code Against Injuries (ECAI) aiming to raise public awareness regarding injury prevention. The major focus of the respective ECAI section is dedicated on children’s safety given that children under the age of three comprise the most vulnerable group for product-related injuries.
Authors and Affiliations
Ασθενής 75 ετών με διάχυτες πνευμονικές διηθήσεις<br /> και μετεγχειρητική αναπνευστική ανεπάρκεια<br />
Το σύνδρομο απνοιών στον ύπνο ως παράγοντας κινδύνου<br /> οδικών τροχαίων ατυχημάτων
NO abstract available
Pseudohyponatremia due to the severe hypertriglyceridemia
No abstract available
Beer potomania syndrome
No abstract available
Time trend study on the institutional framework of the Greek Primary Health Care System (1980−2008) and experience of the British and Swedish models
A study of the Greek Primary Health Care (PHC) System from 1980 until 2008 was conducted, as reflected by the legislative framework concerning the organization of the PHC services. The literature on primary health care r...