Methods for estimation of temperature compensation factor of shelter ground cover under fire

Journal Title: Bulletin of the Military University of Technology - Year 2015, Vol 64, Issue 3


The paper presents the methods of searching for the average value of the temperature compensation coefficient „[i]a[/i]” which would characterize shielding properties of the ground ceiling ballast of the shelter and would allow for prediction of the effects of temperature effects relevant to an external fire. The methods are based on the results of an appropriate laboratory experiment. Two numerical procedures are proposed for interpretation of these results exploiting the Fourier’s law of the heat conduction. The first procedure consists in the direct use of the differential form of this law. It allows us to obtain the value of the average coefficient of non-stationary process characterized by heating with fire and by cooling the ground ceiling ballast but at a certain deep level. The second procedure uses a multiparameter approach enabling the identification and estimation of the averaged ratio not only in time but for the entire thickness of the backfill.[b]Keyword[/b]s: civil engineering, physics of building, the temperature compensation coefficient, fire action, underground shelter

Authors and Affiliations

Adam Baryłka, Grzegorz Bąk


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  • EP ID EP77456
  • DOI 10.5604/12345865.1168729
  • Views 81
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How To Cite

Adam Baryłka, Grzegorz Bąk (2015). Methods for estimation of temperature compensation factor of shelter ground cover under fire. Bulletin of the Military University of Technology, 64(3), 131-147.