Методи оцінки інноваційного потенціалу підприємств готельного господарства


The choice of ways of innovative development of hotel enterprises can be ensured not only by the availability of the optimal management system and effective management, but also the fact to obtain innovation in the form of a new product, technology, methods of organization and management, which is the result of the innovation process. While studying the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, we can affirm that estimation of innovative potential of hotel enterprises and its social-and-economic value, decision making regarding the development and using of innovative projects in hotel industry of Ukraine is urgent today because innovations become more often the element of hotel enterprises management. Innovative potential of a hotel enterprise is a complex characteristic of the hotel's ability for innovative activity and one of the most important factors that plays a key role in its innovative development; this is a measure of organization's readiness to perform tasks that will ensure the achievement of a set innovative goal, that is, a measure of readiness for implementation of an innovative project or program of innovative transformations and introduction of innovation. The purpose of estimation of innovative potential is the need to identify the directions of innovative development that ensure the possibility to transfer enterprises to the release of competitive products and significantly increase their stability and flexibility in accordance with changes of the environment. Estimation of innovative potential of the enterprise allows to evaluate in adequate way the state and readiness of the enterprise to innovative transformations; to analyze the development tendencies, to identify the main advantages and weaknesses; to prepare recommendations for the formation of an innovative strategy of the enterprise that will strengthen its position in the market. Use of the methods of mathematical-and-statistical analysis, in particular taxonomic, will enable to reveal maximally accurately the real state of innovative activity of enterprises, to reflect strong and weak sides, and also to distribute objects to groups depending on the level of the development of innovative potential.

Authors and Affiliations

Л. Г. Коваленко, С. В. Тимчук


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  • EP ID EP549704
  • DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-2-74-85
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How To Cite

Л. Г. Коваленко, С. В. Тимчук (2018). Методи оцінки інноваційного потенціалу підприємств готельного господарства. Збірник наукових праць Уманського національного університету садівництва, 2(93), 74-85. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-549704