Методичні підходи до розробки операційної стратегії підприємства сфери послуг


У статті проаналізовано основні етапи формування операційної стратегії автотранспортних підприємств з урахуванням стадії життєвого циклу галузі. Запропоновано логічну схему розробки та прийняття рішення щодо операційних процесів автотранспортного підприємства та інфраструктури для їх підтримки. Hard conditions of competitive struggle make Ukrainian enterprises to look for a competitive advantage in operations and have an effective operating strategy. A methodical approach to the forming of the service enterprise's operating strategy is developed in the article. It takes into account industry specific features. The main stages of forming of the automotive transport enterprises' operating strategy are analyzed. They take into consideration the stage of the industry's life cycle. The order of forming an operational strategy of an automotive transport enterprise includes the following stages: 1) analysis of the industry's life cycle's stage; 2) determination of marketing tasks; 3) the forming of operating priorities; 4) analysis of the enterprise's operational capabilities; 5) decisionmaking on outsourcing; 6) decision-making on operational processes and infrastructure to support them; 7) approval of the operating strategy. The industry's analysis was conducted on such characteristics as: customer behavior, changes in goods, the nature of competitive relations, the state of production and marketing activities. We have analyzed most signs of the industry and have found that it is in the stage of maturity. Stability of sales means for the enterprise the struggle for each customer, leads to increased competition and the displacement of weaker competitors from the market. The marketing objective of an automotive transport enterprise is protecting its market share. An enterprise chooses an operational priority on the basis of established marketing objectives. It should be used in its activities for holding the market share. Operational priority «Quality and reliability of services» was proposed for automotive transport enterprises. It fully reflects the security of the trip, the timely delivery of the service, its comfort. The available operational capabilities of the enterprise and their impact on the quality and reliability of trucking services should be evaluated using the Ishikawa diagram. Further studies should be conducted for factors that may affect the company. A logical scheme of the forming and decision-making on the operational processes of the automotive transport enterprise and the infrastructure for their support has been developed. The process of decision-making on the operational processes of the automotive transport enterprise and infrastructure for their support involves the following sequence of actions: identification and analysis of the problem, setting goals, identifying alternatives, studying and evaluating alternatives, checking alternatives in practice, choosing a solution.

Authors and Affiliations

Yu. Karpenko


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How To Cite

Yu. Karpenko (2017). Методичні підходи до розробки операційної стратегії підприємства сфери послуг. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка, 7(14), 29-37. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-427371