Методика дослідження впливу бренд-комунікацій на особливості сприйняття споживача. (A technique to study the impact of brand communications on consumers’ perception)
Journal Title: Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 1
The article presents a two-stage technique to study the impact of brand-communications on consumers’ perception. The first stage uses the focus group method to obtain the data regarding the socio-psychological content of brand communication and brand image as its result, the charactreristics of personal inclusion of the respondents, who represent certain social strata, in consumption as a special social behavior. The second stage involves quantitative assessment of the socio-psychological aspects of the influence of brand communication on consumers’ perception; components of brand image and social-psychological mechanisms of their formation. The author describes the procedure of data processing and results interpretation. The addenda contains the author’s questionnaires and the questionnaires modified by her to meet the needs of the study. The proposed technique allows identifying the levels of brand image (high, medium, low) as perceived by consumers as well as finding out the main socio-psychological mechanisms of its formation (social comparison, identification, personification, self-presentation, self-verification and goal setting) under the influence of brand communications. The author dwells on the followup empirical study which will focus on the socio-psychological mechanisms of formation of the components of brand image that determine the effectiveness of brand communications.
Authors and Affiliations
Lilia Gomolska
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