Metody gaszenia tworzyw sztucznych stosowanych w konstrukcji środków komunikacji – czynniki wpływające na skuteczność gaśniczą
Journal Title: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe - Year 2019, Vol 227, Issue 1
The article analyzes the methods of extinguishing plastic materials, mainly polymer ones, occurring in the construction of means of public transport, ie. buses, trams, trains, metro etc. The characteristics of flammability and decomposition reactions were discussed and this was confronted with the characteristics of wood decomposition as an interchangeable material in extinguishing tests according to the Polish standard PN-EN 3-7 "Portable fire extinguishers - Part 7: Characteristics, performance requirements and test methods" due to the common occurrence of these firefighting devices in both buses and other public transport. In addition, other methods of extinguishing means of public transport resulting from current trends, i.e. aerosol systems and water mist, have been indicated. The extinguishing methods were confronted, indicating their advantages, disadvantages and application possibilities in means of public transport, including buses.
Authors and Affiliations
Dariusz Pietrzela, Katarzyna Skorupka, Daria Kubis
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