Miejsca wspólne? Włochy oczami architektów polskich i rosyjskich (August Fryderyk Moszyński i Nikołaj Lwow)
Journal Title: Studia Interkulturowe Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej - Year 2015, Vol 8, Issue
The article contains a comparative analysis of Italian diary (1781) by Nikolay Lvov and Diary of the journey to France and Italy (1784–86) by August Fryderyk Moszynski. Both travellers were architects of the Enlightenment period. In Italy they were interested first of all in architecture (especially of the churches) and the fine arts (especially painting). The route of their journey proceeded, among others, through Livorno, Rome, Pisa and Florence. In the diaries of Lvov and Moszynski there are, among others, descriptions of the hospital in Livorno, churches in Rome and Florence and The Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Authors and Affiliations
Magdalena Dąbrowska
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