Mirabilia animalia w Nocach attyckich Aulusa Gelliusza. Wybrane przykłady
Journal Title: Studia Warmińskie - Year 2017, Vol 54, Issue 54
Aulus Gellius’ The Attic Nights are an extremely valuable source of knowledge about antiquity, as it contains information regarding many aspects of everyday life in the ancient Greco-Roman world. Gellius’ work also contains very valuable and comprehensive research material due to the anecdotes, interesting and unusual stories and tales it contains. The main goal of this publication is the discussion and presentation of selected chapters in which Gellius describes stories about animals. The starting point for research into the animals that appear in Gellius’ work is their fantastic nature. This paper, in the context of mirabilia Animalia, contains analyses of the chapter on Alexander the Great’s horse (5.2), the description of the Seian Horse (3.9), and the tale of the snake of unusual length (7. 3).
Authors and Affiliations
Maria Piechocka-Kłos
The article “In the service of the Church and science: philosophy of culture was her passion – Halina Wistuba (1920-2013)” is dedicated to a woman who in her writing activity was very involved in the process of change in...
Kazania Gedeona Krinowskiego
Krinowski był kaznodzieją na dworze cesarzowej Elżbiety i członkiem Synodu. Sto jego kazań zostało czterokrotnie opublikowanych w Zbiorze różnych pouczających kazań. W swoich kazaniach Krinowski mówił o Bożej Opatrzności...
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