Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 20
У статті проаналізовано науковий доробок Г. Павлуцького. Встановлено, що до кола інтересів дослідника входили вивчення античного мистецтва, української церковної архітектури та вітчизняної орнаментики. Акцентовано увагу на висновках, зроблених Г. Павлуцьким щодо походження давньогрецьких архітектурних форм та витоків вітчизняного сакрального зодчества. The article analyzes the scientific achievements of G. Pavlutskiy. The views of G. Pavlutskiy formed under the influence of the ideas of leading researchers of the second half of the nineteenth century. - V. Antonovich and Yu. Kulakovsky. It was established that the research interests included the study of ancient art, Ukrainian church architecture and national ornamentation. The attention is drawn to the conclusions made by G. Pavlutsky concerning the origin of ancient Greek architectural forms and origins of the national sacred architecture. The attention is focused on the findings of G. Pavlutskiy, regarding the origin of ancient Greek and Roman architectural forms, namely the Corinthian architectural orders, features paintings of Ancient Greece. It was established that in his works devoted to the Ukrainian sacral architecture, G. Pavlutskiy proved the authenticity of national engineering. G. Pavlutskiy expresses his own vision concerning the time of origin, origin and character of the Little Russian Church architecture. In the present article the author also characterizes the last work of G. Pavlutskiy about the history of the Ukrainian ornament. G. Pavlutskiy in his study for the first time tried to outline the historical progress of one of the interesting, complex and very characteristic branches of folk art, which proved that most of its national forms arose even in the Eastern Slavic tribes. The author finds the basic research methods which used the scientist. It should be noted that G. Pavlutskiy's scientific works are characterized by a considerable amount of actual material and his original analysis. The features of the researcher's scientific style are determined, which distinguish his work among others.
Authors and Affiliations
Olena Bogatikova
Інституціоналізація публічної дипломатії України
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