Міжнародний досвід провадження по справах, що виникають із публічних правовідносин / International Experience Regarding Cases on Public Legal Relations


Investigating administrative proceedings we can identify several types of administrative proceedings which are public and private. Filing administrative lawsuit with the court is possible when public right, freedom or interest was violated. Three types of civil proceedings are prescribed in civil proceedings. They are adversary proceeding, writ proceeding and separate proceeding. As for foreign legislations procedural legislation of the Russian Federation describes the following types of civil proceedings. They are adversary, writ, special, public and compensatory. It means that public legal relations do not belong to administrative proceeding. That is why proceedings in cases which arise out of public legal relations is the court activity which is carried out under procedure of civil proceeding in accordance with general and special rules of civil procedural legislation aimed at meeting the interested person’s requirement on the protection of legal interests, rights and freedoms through by reviewing legality of normative legal acts, decisions, acts (omissions to act) of bodies and public officials in order to restore violated interests, rights and freedoms of citizens and other subject to the full extent. Such countries as Moldova and Ukraine do not have this type of civil proceeding. In Kirgizstan this type of proceeding is known as “Peculiarities of proceeding in certain cases”. In Azerbaijan it is “Proceeding which stems from general legal relations (private adversary proceeding)”. In Tajikistan it is called “Proceeding which stems from public legal relations”. Uzbekistan identifies it as “Proceeding on complaints and claims against acts (decisions) of governmental and other bodies as well as officials”. Georgian courts try cases which arise out of administrative and governmental relations under general adversary procedure. In Armenia, Kazakhstan this type of proceeding is called “Special adversary proceeding”.

Authors and Affiliations

Iryna Ustynova, Olha Buzun, Olena Khomchenko


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How To Cite

Iryna Ustynova, Olha Buzun, Olena Khomchenko (2018). Міжнародний досвід провадження по справах, що виникають із публічних правовідносин / International Experience Regarding Cases on Public Legal Relations. Журнал східноєвропейського права, 50(), 64-71. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-625722