Models for Situation/Person Monitoring in the Context of Contemporary Social Changes
Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue 5
In the article there have been analyzed the ways for comparison and reorganizing of individual and common spaces during their collision and mutual synchronic and diachronic transformation. Rooted in «mosaic culture» (A. Moles) peculiarities and limitations, administrative, normative and intersubjective forms of control are actualized in state-individual interaction. Static and dynamic monitoring of situation and personality by a state is viewed through complementary, strategic and eliminating models. They are aimed at, accordingly, space and control, keeping to the universalized norm control and self-punishment through responsibility vector change. There have also been formulated the questions that challenge Ukrainian society on its way towards solving the contradiction between conflict-loaded and unstable achievement of openness and keeping to the features of the stagnated past.
Authors and Affiliations
Svitlana Balinchenko
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