Modern approaches to carrying out profound medical examination of servicemen of Security Service of Ukraine
Journal Title: Медичні перспективи - Year 2013, Vol 18, Issue 4
The study found that the regulatory framework for prophylactic medical examination in the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) is not fully regulated, this required the development and validation of a new organizational model to improve its efficiency. In the coursw of study proposals for the introduction of a modern model of profound medical examinations of the personnel of the SSU were prepared, their main elements are: first developed and implemented model of a motivated individual responsibility of SSU serviceman for their own health, its conservation, inclination to treatment of identified pathological conditions; development and implementation of military health passport, health passport of managers, health passport of agency, division, institution of the SSU; the definition of the various bulks of the annual medical examination of personnel, depending on age (with expansion of screening tests, depending on the age group); introduction of personal responsibility of heads (managers) of bodies (departments and agencies) of the SSU for the timely undergoing of profound medical examinations by subordinate personnel a clear definition of heads’ responsibilities of health care organs (doctors and medical staff) of the SSU in the profound medical examinations; the development and implementation of a unified system of analysis of the results of medical care facilities of SSU for carrying out of medical examination and definition of its efficiency, the introduction of optimized system for monitoring of undergoing medical examination, reporting on undergoing of profound medical examinations by personnel of agencies, departments, institutions of the SSU. This allowed not only to justify organizational model on improvement of clinical examination of the SSU personnel but to introduce it into the work of all health facilities of the SSU, to significantly optimize conducting clinical examination and improve its performance indicators.
Authors and Affiliations
I. Lurin, H. Titov, V. Zavaletskyi , S. Danilevsky
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