Modern management directions of investment TNCs’ behaviour
Journal Title: Science and Education a New Dimension - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 146
The research is devoted to the main problems concerning modern directions of international investment of TNCs. The modern tendencies of investment activity of TNCs are studied, taking into account the most optimal decisions made by management personnel for a certain period of time. The current specific directions of TNC investment are revealed, which are manifested in connection with the acceler- ated pace of globalization and the liberalization of international trade rules. The forecasts of future investment behavior of TNCs are given. The article analyzes the state of international investment of TNCs taking into account various factors of the global economic space. The results of the research, which consist in comparison of investment behavior of TNCs in different regions of the world, are determined. The conclusions and recommendations for the construction of a modern strategy for managing the investment behavior of TNCs are developed.
Authors and Affiliations
Y. A. Shevchenko
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