Molar incisor hypomineralisation – a case report
Journal Title: Forum Ortodontyczne - Year 2017, Vol 13, Issue 3
Enamel hypomineralisation of at least one molar is defined as molar incisor hypomineralisation (MIH). At the same time, lesions may be observed on permanent incisors, but it is not a precondition to diagnose this syndrome. Clinical manifestation varies: from single small spots to significant destruction of a tooth crown. The aetiology of MIH is not fully understood. As for possible reasons, there are prenatal, perinatal and postnatal factors. <b>Aim.</b> To review a problem of molar incisor hypomineralisation based on a literature review and a case report of a male patient with MIH. <b>Case report.</b> Based on a physical examination and an interview molar incisor hypomineralisation was diagnosed. With regard to a clinical examination, there were large fillings in teeth 16, 26, fissure sealing in teeth 36, 46, hypomineralisation spots on teeth 16, 26, 36, 33, 32, 41, 42 and enamel deficits in teeth 41, 42. An orthodontic examination showed partial lateral cross bite on the right and crowding in the lower arch. With regard to the patient’s medical history his parents reported recurrent respiratory tract infections before the age of four years: bronchial diseases, pneumonia. This patient has been receiving intensive prophylactic treatment and conservative treatment since eruption of first permanent teeth. Early orthodontic treatment in this patient included expansion of dental arches with lower and upper Schwartz plates to reduce teeth crowding in the lower arch and to eliminate a lateral cross bite. <b>Conclusions.</b> MIH treatment depends on the patient’s age, malocclusion, teeth clinical status, presence of carious defects, patient’s aesthetic needs, pain complaints and other factors. Patients with MIH require multidisciplinary dental treatment. Thanks to an early diagnosis and introduction of optimum treatment it is possible to provide functional occlusion and favourable aesthetics. <b>(Domańska R, Kornet A, Perkowski K, MarczyńskaStolarek M, Zadurska M. Molar incisor hypomineralisation – a case report. Orthod Forum 2017; 13: 235-45).</b>
Authors and Affiliations
Roksana Domańska, Agnieszka Kornet, Konrad Perkowski, Magdalena Marczyńska-Stolarek, Małgorzata Zadurska
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