In the Bieszczady National Park and its closest surroundings nine new localities of Dryopteris cristata were discovered. In the majority of cases the crested woodfern grew at the base of peat bog domes and on their edge...
Reintroduction of European beaver Castor fiber in 1993 was carried out in order to accelerate the process of renaturalisation of areas previously degraded by the activity of the “Igloopol” state farm. During several year...
EP ID EP134927
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How To Cite
Jerzy Pawłowski (2010). Monitoring stanowisk cennych gatunków bezkręgowców lądowych na przykładzie Karpat. Roczniki Bieszczadzkie, 18(1),
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Fauna nietoperzy rojących się i hibernujących w jaskiniach Bieszczadów
Fauna nietoperzy rojących się i hibernujących w jaskiniach Bieszczadów
Pierwsze doniesienie o występowaniu mączlików (Aleyrodidae, Hemiptera) na terenie Bieszczadzkiego Parku Narodowego
Okrzemki Bacillariophyta źródeł i odcinków źródłowych potoków w górnym odcinku rzeki San
The crested woodfern Dryopteris cristata in the Bieszczady Mts. – distribution and habitat conditions
In the Bieszczady National Park and its closest surroundings nine new localities of Dryopteris cristata were discovered. In the majority of cases the crested woodfern grew at the base of peat bog domes and on their edge...
Geomorphic effects of European beaver Castor fiber activity in the upper valley of San River
Reintroduction of European beaver Castor fiber in 1993 was carried out in order to accelerate the process of renaturalisation of areas previously degraded by the activity of the “Igloopol” state farm. During several year...